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Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric 101 Episode 3: Pausing and Scaling using portal and Powershell

Welcome to Microsoft Fabric 101 series – your comprehensive guide to mastering Microsoft Fabric. This series of articles and videos is designed to help you understand and effectively use Microsoft Fabric, whether you’re a beginner or looking to deepen your knowledge. We’ll cover everything from the basics of setting up and configuring your Fabric tenant […]

Azure, Azure Data Factory, DevOps, Key Vault, Storage

Terraforming ADF: Credentials & Linked Services

Azure Data Factory is almost never created as an isolated resource. In nearly every project where we have used this service, it was provisioned alongside a Key Vault and a Storage Account. In the following article, I’ll describe the standard method for authenticating between these services using managed identities. As indicated by the title, I’ll […]

Azure, Azure Data Factory, DevOps, PowerShell

Terraforming ADF: Create & Configure Self-Hosted Integration Runtimes

Git and mandatory CI/CD have become widely accepted standards, and an increasing number of people are advocating for defining cloud resources using IaC tools. Many are coming to understand that quality, reliability, and scalability in modern cloud data projects are simply unattainable without embracing the DevOps culture and proper automation. The ClickOps resistance movement is […]

Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric 101 Episode 2: Creating Fabric Capacity using portal and Terraform

Welcome to Microsoft Fabric 101 series – your comprehensive guide to mastering Microsoft Fabric. This series of articles and videos (can be found in the end of this article) is designed to help you understand and effectively use Microsoft Fabric, whether you’re a beginner or looking to deepen your knowledge. We’ll cover everything from the […]