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Microsoft Fabric

Run multiple notebooks in parallel using runMultiple in Microsoft Fabric

Orchestration is about organizing and controlling many computer systems, apps, and/or services, linking together many tasks to carry out a bigger workflow or process. These processes can have many tasks that are automated and can include many systems. The aim of orchestration is to make regular, repeatable processes run smoother and faster, helping data teams […]


githooks and pre-commit framework in the daily work of a Data Engineer

Do you recall a situation when, at the beginning of the project, your team, after many days of intense discussions, finally established coding standards that everyone agreed to follow? You thoroughly discussed rules regarding capitalization, spacing, indentation, line lengths, etc. You nearly came to blows over whether the comma should be placed at the beginning […]

Microsoft Fabric

How to determine if Direct Lake dataset is falling back to Direct Query in Microsoft Fabric

When you create a Direct Lake semantic model, it typically operates in Direct Lake mode. This means it directly accesses the delta table from the OneLake. This is the preferred scenario because it helps queries run fast, sometimes as fast as import mode. In Power BI, when utilizing Direct Lake mode, the semantic models directly […]